Friday, January 6, 2012

Pondering thoughts on deliberating about thinking about thinking about the philosophy of thinking about thinking about thinking.

Nobody is in control
or of what they know
either how they act
or sentience thought of as fact
somehow I feel ok
if as a plant I don't even grow
seeing much pass
understanding is always subjective
If I don't get taller or greener
nobody can say an observing plant can't see.
yet we say things are said
and act different
than we think about thinking.

Interesting propaganda move, or a benevolent US military?

US navy frees Iranians held by pirates

A curious action on behalf of America. Americans saving Iranians is surely a strange headline for Iranians to read, but why would the US military help people they seemingly want to kill? As the war drum beats throughout the republican presidential candidate race the timing seems particularly odd.

One thing is for sure, Iran has a lot of oil and America wants it.

Considering the malevolent actions Americans have historically committed in the name of getting that precious precious oil, surely their campaign against Iran is driven by similar interests...

and maybe, in the name of winning Iranian hearts and minds, saving them is in the same precious oil interest.

If only North Korea had oil... maybe Americans would, from time to time, save them too.